Complete Mindfulness Meditation for Beginners

Our gold standard 8 week course introducing the techniques of mindfulness meditation and stress reduction

7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Eastern Time

September 27 – November 15                              

Mindfulness Meditation is simple in essence but subtle. To be successful at it, most people benefit more by participating in a weekly class with the personal attention of a live instructor.

beginners meditation - ClearLight Meditation InstituteThis course is thoughtfully designed to introduce you step by step to learning about mindfulness as well as doing it. You’ll learn fundamental meditation techniques including the body scan, mindfulness of breathing, walking meditation and more. 

By gently training your mind and body in peace and simplicity, you’ll come to experience the benefits of greater relaxation, lower stress, increased clarity and general well-being.

Topics include:

  • Understanding what meditation is and how it works
  • The Scientific Research into its Benefits
  • How and why to establish a daily practice
  • How to relax mind and body
  • Training in attention and awareness
  • Mindfulness of Breathing and sense perceptions
  • Taming your busy mind
  • Common challenges and remedies
  • Mindfulness in daily life

Each weekly meeting includes guided meditation, talks, and discussion. The class format is set up to provide opportunity for personal guidance and for sharing experiences with others in the class. If you’re relatively new to meditation, this is an excellent place to start.

The Package Option: Combine the 8 week course with a mindfulness mini-retreat “Finding Calm in the Chaos” on Sunday November 7th. In the mini-retreat you will spend the morning being guided through a series of mindfulness meditations. This is one of the very best ways to review and integrate what you have learned in classes.

Registration Options

8 Week Online Course

1. Regular Price: $219.
    (Early Bird Discount. Only $199 if registered by September 10.)
2. College/Grad Student Price: $108.

The Package Option: 8 Week Course Plus

1. Regular Price: $235. This option is only available when signing up for this course.
2. College/Grad Student Price: $135.

You will be asked to select an option when you sign up.

If you need tuition assistance, we are offering Generosity Support. Please don’t hesitate to contact us so that we can help.

Read our cancellation policy

A link to the audio recordings for this course will be emailed to all registered participants during the first week of the course.


I think ClearLight offers a solid, expert foundation upon which to explore mindfulness.
– Stacey Mandel
These meditation classes combined with my own practice have been life-changing for me. I’m more at home in my own skin, my relationships have improved, and in general I’m more content.
– K.D.
This class profoundly impacted my ability to deal with daily anxiety and have a calmer mindset overall. The instructor was incredible.
– Past Course Participant
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